Wednesday 22 May 2013

Food For Thought

Good morning everyone,

I don't normally share the blogs of others, but I felt this was too important to not share it with you. This is how things are now in the UK. I hope things are better wherever you are.

Thanks again to the impossibly passionate Jane Young, have today announced they will be working with  and  tochallenge changes to the new PIP (Personal Independence Payments replacing DLA or Disability Living Allowance) mobility criteria.

Campaigners like Steve Sumpter (@latentexistence), myself, Kaliya Franklin and Jane herself have been invited to explain on radio and TV today, just what the changes will mean.

As regular readers will know, the government have constantly misled the public over the new benefit, claiming a 35% rise when Spartacus Report showed clearly that the rise is only 13% for the working age group who will be affected. Physical conditions have remained totally stable, whilst the 13% rise is almost all due to a rise in mental health conditions and learning disabilities, a trend seen worldwide, not just in the UK.

The DWP misled the public over the first consultation, claiming broad support for the changes, when in fact there was almost none.

After a passionate journey through the House of Lords, the government simply overturned all of the amendments we'd won (amendments that were reasonable and could have made PIP safer and fairer) using an archaic 16th century law known as "financial privilege"

Even at that point, once the changes had become law, the government assured campaigners that once they announced the finer details of PIP, there would be no further policy changes, However, when "regulations" were finally announced just before Christmas, the criteria for claiming the most help with mobility problems had been slashed from 50 mtrs to 20 mtrs without consultation or warning.

This means that many of the most vulnerable claimants of all will no longer qualify. A whopping 600,000 of them. The ability to walk 50 mtrs might just get you to your car and out at the other end, to, say, get to a supermarket scooter. 20 mtrs will get few people from their homes to even their car, leaving over half a million sick or disabled people effectively housebound.

As we all rush from interview to interview, it's clear those put up to oppose us don't even understand DLA or what it does. With that in mind, I thought I'd lay out the key points here for any of you to use or pass on.

Certainly makes you think.

Monday 20 May 2013

Good News at last

Well I have had contact from DWP. They have granted my appeal and admitted that I am disabled and should have been on support allowance for the last year. However I will have to wait at least 2 months for the money they owe me. Well at least I have a lump sum to look forward to. I only need to decide how to spend it.

I went to watch Fast and Furious 6 on Friday and it has to be the best one yet. I really love fast cars even though that is partly the reason I now struggle to walk.

I have been trying to think all weekend of ways that I can help Michelle at Fightback. she is trying very hard to provide a pro bono service to help people claim their rights and as most of the ones she helps are fighting for benefits, they have very little money. Her savings have now gone and without support, she will no longer be in a position to offer free assistance to anyone. It really is a worry, because she provides such a valuable service. Will have to ponder on this for a while longer.

I had my hanging baskets delivered last week. I have decided that because of our fickle weather, it isn't worth putting real flowers in the baskets any longer. They only last a couple of weeks,so I have got 2 made with silk flowers. They are beautiful and I think they will look lovely at the front of my property. That is if none of the idiots decide they like them and steal them. It is always a worry. I like to see my garden looking nice, but sometimes jealousy overcomes others and my plants disappear. I planted some Evening Primrose seeds a short while ago and I really hope they will come up. However they are not a native plant and may struggle with our non summer months.

Just had a thought. Now that DWP have officially categorised me as seriously disabled, does that mean I am no longer and LTB (lazy thieving bastard)? If it does, then will I need to change the name of my blog? Ah well I'll leave it for now because there are still many people think everyone on benefits is faking it. I hope they are never in a position that they may need help. They should walk a mile in my shoes to find out how difficult life can be.

Have a good day. Will talk again soon.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

4 Firemen, and ambulance and 2 funerals.

Well what a terrible couple of weeks.

First Mum's best friend and nieghbour died leaving Mum in a bit of a state. I know she's 95 next week and should be used to it by now, but when it is someone 20 years her junior she can't understand why. 
Next in the catalogue of disasters I fell and broke my ankle. So there I was getting out of the shower when bang down I go. Stupid knee gave out. I'm on the floor without my phone hoping someone will hear me. As luck would have it I was only there for 6 hours because my friend Christine decided to make a surprise visit. Anyway to cut a long story short, there I am in all my glory on the bathroom floor with just a towel over me when this gorgeous fireman asks if I'm okay. (they had to break the door down to get in) Trust me to have  the best looking guy I've seen for ages as a captive audience and to say the least I'm not looking my best, is not the meeting someone new look I'm aiming for.
Next I get the ambulance people who not only have to assess my injuries and get me to hospital, but have to try to put some clothes on me while still trying to preserve my dignity. Not an easy task. Well all well that ends well and I did get the fireman's number. 
Disaster number 3. Got a message on Friday night that a very dear friend had died suddenly. He was only 52. There really is no justice.

Enough of that for now.

This idiot Government are still trying to confuse us with smoke and mirrors, but it won't work. We're onto you.

I got word from DWP that they are allowing me to appeal their decision regarding ESA. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that is jolly decent of them considering they are the ones who screwed everything up. They are the ones who made the wrong decision in the first place and then proceeded to compound their mistake by giving incorrect advise. Will just have to see what the outcome will be.

I think I'd better stop waffling for now. I think the pain killers are kicking in.

Will speak later

Friday 19 April 2013

The sun is shining

Good Morning All

Well the sun is shining and it looks like it will be a lovely day.

Had a few friends round last night (vodka and pizza) so I'm feeling a bit worse for wear this morning. I really shouldn't drink. I don't very often have vodka and it always makes me a bit silly. 

So there I was at midnight saying goodnight to everyone when I realised that they should have been the ones going and not me, so why was I the one outside? Like I said a bit silly. Anyway by the time we had all stopped laughing they decided it was time to go. 2 hours later I have the house to myself again. Thought I would leave the dishes for morning and go to bed. Memo to self. Bed is in bedroom not in lounge. I woke up at 6am from a lovely dream to find myself on the sofa. Maybe I'll sleep there more often as it was really comfy.

Anyway about the dream. Probably the same one we all have sometimes. There I was checking the lottery when I realised I had won. No not the millions, but 330,000 pounds. Enough for me. Now I can book that round the world cruise I have been promising myself for ages. Start shopping for nice clothes to wear................. then blast .................I woke up. Well it was good while it lasted. Then I realised I don't even do the lottery so no chance of winning there. Memo to the lottery tonight, you never know................

Will be off to the shops later so what do I want for dinner? I do get so tired of trying to plan meals. It was so much easier when I could do all the cooking, but ready meals are a real pain. However without them I would probably starve. Might just send out for a takeaway. No drink though because 
1. I can't afford it and 
2. It makes me silly.

Just heard that there are going to be more Star Wars films. Maybe I will have a Star Wars marathon this weekend and watch all 6 episodes on DVD or should I watch all the Fast and Furious as the new one will be in cinema in May? There we go again with the decisions. When did I become so indecisive? Like everything else it just crept up on me. Talking of creeping up on you I can see you............horrible little spider...........just wait until you get closer then it's curtains for you. I will feel guilty though if I do that. Mum always said that if you kill a spider you will make it rain and I can't be responsible for making the sunshine go away. On the other hand it rains most of the time, so someone else must be doing all the spider killing.

I hate weekends. Not much happens and apart from going to Mums on Sunday I probably won't see anyone unless monkey face decides to honour me with her presence. Ah I hear you asking who is monkey face (not her real name but what I call her)? Well she is the lovely nearly 7 year old daughter of my friend and neighbour. Okay so she does have a proper name Morgan. Anyway she quite often decides to pop in to see me. I think she thinks I am her third granny. She always makes me laugh and is such good company I hope she comes over. She entertains me with stories of what she has been doing. Usually Karate classes and Dance competitions. She looks like a little fairy, but packs a powerful punch. I think she mainly comes for the ice cream she always wheedles out of me. Anyway I expect she will be coming to tell me that it is her birthday next Friday. She will just drop it into the conversation as if it isn't important, but I will know that she is really saying "don't forget because I want a present". Aren't kids wonderful. My biggest regret in life is that I don't have any.

Well I suppose I'd better start getting ready to go out as Ring and Ride will be collecting me at 12. Such a joy to be manhandled into the vehicle and dumped at the supermarket. Well at least I have made a few friends there and we all shop at the same time on Friday so will have lunch in the restaurant before being collected again to go home. Such excitement.

Have a good weekend and will speak again soon.

Thursday 18 April 2013

the first day of the rest of my life.

Woke up feeling more positive this morning. I mean life is too short to waste it worrying. Whatever will be will be.

Sad news this morning about the tragedy in Wako Texas. My thoughts are with them and I realise how lucky I am.

Listening to the radio and just had a full hour of 1971 hits. Fantastic. It really is good to remember all the good times I had back then. Karen Carpenter singing now and it is so good to listen to her very pure voice.

Think I am waffling a bit.

Well I am trying to do something positive about my future. I mean there has to be someone out there that will love to have an experienced Accountant working for them. I know I haven't been able to work for 13 years because of disability, but maybe with the right help and support I can return to the workplace and contribute something positive. I do have another year before retirement so someone please give me a chance.

I have updated CV and it looks a bit sad for recent years, so need to beef it up a bit. Maybe mention the campaigning I have been doing for the disabled and all the fighting I have been doing just to survive. Surely life experience has to count for something? Will have a long think on this one.

I think I will stir myself and go for a swim this afternoon. Exercise is good and helps release the endorphins, so it should raise my spirits even more. Oh for the days when I was able to play squash and tennis. I was once so fit and active and now feel like a different person, but I will not let it spoil this good day.

Just remembering that if I hadn't lost Dad, he would have been 100 on the 28th of this month. Luckily Mum's still with us, but she will be 95 in May. What do you buy for a 95 yr old? She has everything she needs (or so she tells me). Maybe will take her out for a meal because she always enjoys that. More thinking to do. I think I may get a migraine from all this thinking...................positive thoughts................positive thoughts. That's right I mustn't go down that route. If I can think positively I should be able to act positively.  Please no jokes about being positive that things will go wrong.

I hope everyone is having a good day. Will be back later.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Wide eyed and bushy tailed?

Well I feel a bit more human now so thought I would just pop on here and say Hi.

At least the radio hasn't been full of all the nonsense that is happening in London. I don't think I would have been able to cope with that. I just hope we can now get back to the important things in life. 

I have been reading a lot recently about the Welfare Reforms and can't help wondering how this Government can sleep at night. Do they not realise that people are suffering. By people I mean the sick and disabled not the LTB's like me. I mean how can I suffer? I won't have any money for food, my house will probably be repossessed and I won't have any money to get out of the house even to the Doctor's. But as I am a LTB I must have brought it on myself. Just not sure when I changed from being a hardworking taxpayer.
Maybe it was when I was involved in a serious car accident which left me in a wheelchair for 2 years? Maybe it was when I was diagnosed with cancer and had to endure months of treatment before I was given the all clear? Or maybe it was when all the other things got too much and I found walking and caring for myself a real problem? Whenever it was, it just kind of crept up on me and now I am being victimised for it.

I wonder if the descrimination act covers for this kind of thing as I am sure that as the Welfare Reforms are aimed at the more vulnerable in Society, then we can safely say that they are the victims of discrimination.

Well I think I'll put the kettle on and ponder for a while.

Speak again soon.

Ding Dong

Well it's 9.20am and all I have to look forward today is the funeral of our beloved ex Fuhrer. Sorry slip of the tongue there meant to say the evil witch that started the rot in this once proud country. Anyway enough about that. I really will be very happy when it is all over.

After yesterdays foray into the outside world I am absolutely shattered so don't think I will bother getting dressed today.

I've had an epiphany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe if I was to forget my problems, then the ATOS miraculous recovery would kick in. 

Off to have some brekkie. (Cereal again as it's the only thing I can make in safety)

Will be back later and hopefully will be awake and making some sense.